
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fine piece of work

Today as i work in my little 'cubicle', i got this link from a co-worker of mine over msn.... it was a good time to break anyway and i realised it all it's kinda pretty neat plus that site is legitimate (means you can put in full screen size instead of 1.5" windows or dun have to quickly minimize it when someone walk past by you) . it's a commercial site that show you how technology can change the way you think and lives. well i'm techie guy...(no shame about it)

This site redefines what i had in mind about sports wear esepecially for ladies... permanently.. It's a perfect example how technology can do for you. Don't take my word for it... go and have a look, play with it ...and let me know what you think...

Monday, February 27, 2006

HAIYA....... Shame On Me..!!!

by masterkenzo


I'm so ashamed of myself. How can I call myself a blogger when I can't even update my own blog every day? Ohh...the shame....the shame....

OR at least every two days la?

Haiya...I've got daytime job woh......

Once a week...??

Ok ler... Ok ler.... I'll twai my best..!! KAMBATEH..!!!



oooookay... maybe I'll continue tomolow... :P

Thursday, February 16, 2006

MSN - Mother of all EVIL

by wahdegreat

Most 9-to-5-office-working-boring people uses MSN during their working hours. As an employer, I would strongly forbid it as it really gets in the way of their productivity. Imagine you have all your staffs MSNning all day long; not doing their jobs.

Below is an example: -

0000 says:
quite a while ago..but they very frequent got advertise laaa...

don think its for mktg la.. anyway jus saw ur stupid convers bout d police interview........
.................................. what can i say....

0000 says:
abt wat ?
0000 says:
really one maaa

ya rite, as if u went for d interview b4

0000 says:
( innocent look )

look at my photo. tell me what u see

0000 says:
no laa..legend laaa

wat legend?!

0000 says:
your face ?
0000 says:
abt the police interview
0000 says:
wat photo u wanna me to see

ur stupid messenger canot display photo la?

0000 says:
if its stupid, i couldnt even tok to u...dick !!!
0000 says:
just that mine is outdated

u duno how to update it ah? genius

0000 says:
lazy to change here and there...y dun the fuck u send over thru file transfer, email, blog..etc....use the technology at yer dispolsal laa..always locked yourself to one choice...how to improve oneself ...? wanna be malay policeman is it

i wonder who is the one who wants to be malay polis

0000 says:
why, isn't it obvious....you laaa

ur ass wants to be the polis

0000 says:
the polis is more interested in your dick

every1 IS interested in my dick

0000 says:
where does this shenezyn works ?
0000 says:
obviously they are cave age barbarian

who the fucking shit is shenezyn?

0000 says:
ah leong new fren laaa...( for faggot explanation )
0000 says:
and how old is this shehaha ?

same age, me thinks

0000 says:
and where she work ?
0000 says:
her comments on biong ?

dunno. wat do u think of leong?

0000 says:
u asking me...of all ppl, ME...abt Leong ?????

ya la. dat wud give u a good indication of wat other ppl will think of d bugger

0000 says:
leong = loser, faggot, procrastinator, freeloader, always want to get rich but dun wanna do it the hard way, arrogant.....
0000 says:
on a good tone......rich ( cos he lend me money ), humble ( coz always kena bullied when form 5 )

there u haf it

See what I mean?

But then again, me as an employee... it's the best fucking thing available in office after the TOILET was invented.

: ..... i really don kno what to say... pls don stare at my butt.


by wahdegreat

Can you believe it?!!!

I can't lor.. I really cannot believe what is happening...

I only heard about it a few days ago. This is really unbelievable. So many things in the world but it has to come to this.

I was talking to some friends that day... (guess which is me)

Friend A: .... eh, didja heard about the news?

Fried B: Ya, I did. It was really bizzarre. Difficult to understand what these people are thinking about. It's like totally unrealistic.

Fiend C: I think I read about something like this before... I think it's called scissors-bean-nier or something like that.

Fried B: Schizophrenia, u dumb ass.

Fiend C: Ya, like I said... SCISSORS-BEAN-NIER.

Friend A: ....

Fiend C: Anyway, what I m trying to say is that, these incidences are not uncommon in our society.

Friend A: But so...

Fried B: Ya, still it's difficult to comprehend.

Fiend C: Compren? No, I didn't say I wanto complain about it. Just that it's so...

Fried B: COMPREHEND LA, u language-freakozoid!

Fiend C: Ya, like i said... COMPREN la.

Friend A: ....

Fiend C: Well, that's that. Still, really can't accept the fact that it is like that.

Friend A: .... true true.

Fried B: But to do something like that is beyond all norms. Especially if we are talking about Malaysians. Why we can't we just be as it is and accept the reality of it?

Friend A: .... really don't know why....

: .... may the Force be with you. and fuck u.

And that's how I got to know about it. UNBELIEVABLE, right?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Food or Sex ? That is the question....

by masterkenzo

One fine day, one of my friend who obviously had too much time on their hands, asked me this question : "If you were forced to choose, where life and death matters, which one would you choose to forgo; food or sex?"

Mafoolat.....how the heck are you suppose to choose , man? I mean, to me, there is only two things in the world that makes my life worth living. And that's food & sex..................ok, maybe there's also money,

there's also love,

there's my Playstation 2,

my DVD collections,

my friends....er...no, scrape that.... ok, so that's six things in the world that makes my life worth living.

See, if i forgo food..... yeah, the first few months will be fine, as i still can have my sex. I would have more time to explore and experiment all sorts of style that I can get from the Kamasutra Volume I & Volume II, cause, you know, i don't need breakfast, lunch & dinner anymore. I've more time for Sexual Gratification........ but, FUCK,MAN...... i'm gonna fucking miss my favourite lamp chop.... roast duck...... fried fish ball...... chicken wine....... chocolate..... ice kacang..... cendol..... and the list goes on and on..!!

I mean.... what if , in the middle of my love-making session, and my craving for food has taken hold of my pea-sized brain, and my other better-half started to look like a Peking roast duck???....or... or... a roast pig ??? DAMNATION, man!!! i wouldn't want to think that i'm doing a dead animal.... much less a COOKED dead animal.... u know what i'm getting at??

ok, ok, enough with that....the point is , IF i am forced to choose...i mean, like , with a fucking 0.38 caliber Magnum pointed at my thick skull, and asked to forgo either food or sex............... you know what.....i would take that fucking gun and fucking KILL myself.

Yup...... i'll end my pitiful life......... cause there is no point going on. Sad, isn't it?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A lonely guy + a hot mamma chick + a bunch of looney mammals=world destruction

by masterkenzo

While i try to ransack my brain for things to write, i decided to entertain you guys with my favourite comics, Liberty Meadow. Why are they my favourite? Cause they are so fucking TRUE!! Unlike those goody-two-shoes comics like Snoopy, Garfield, Blondie, etc... they are fucking true in the sense that they don't hide the hideous truth about human nature. They are the symbolism of human nature's weaknesses ; greed, vain , selfishness & most of all.....STUPIDity..!!! Woohooo...!!

HooHaa..!! To be continued.....

Damn....God's online....

by masterkenzo

shhheeaatttt..... now you can 'berkomunikasi' with God...online! Yup, your fren here just took a small step , but a fucking giant leap for mankind (though i'm not sure if it's for better). Actually got the site's address from KennySia.com. So, thought i'll give it a try after all these years of chicken-blood drinking session with no end-results to my request for invincibilty.

though i have to admit something's fishy about God.......

Me: Hello

God:Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name?

Me: If you are god, you should know my name, shouldn't you?

God:Am I? I don't know whether or not I am god. I should know your name should not me. I am a robot.

Me:Fuck.... you're telling me you are a robot???

God:Please don't be so rude. You think I am telling you I am a robot.

Me:NO, you just told me you are a fucking robot.

God:Are you serious? Can't you be more polite.

Me:Ok, forget it. I'm here to repent.

God:OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me. That's alright. I'm listening.

Me:I just killed someone.

God:You had better call the authorities.

Me:No, I don't want to call the authorities. I want you to turn the time around so i can change the past.

God:Are you serious? What would you rather be doing? Sorry my body cannot yet rotate. Why do you want me to turn the time around so you can change the past?

Me:So i can save the guy who i just killed!!!

God:Ah. Oh you can, can you?

Me:Say, do you have a wife?

God:"do you have a wife".

Me:I mean ,do you have a wife?

God:No I am single, how about you?

Me:Want me to introduce some hot chicks for you?

God:No , maybe later.

Me:No seriously,god... they are the hottest chick ever. you should know. you created them!!!

God:GOD rules. The anonymous "they". Because I am a robot? Interesting gossip: said I created them.

Me:???? Anyway, just wanna tell you i killed a guy. so i repented. Now i'm sin-free. i'm reborn. i'm gonna start fresh. woohooo!!!

God:OK, I will tell me you killed a guy. Dude! I haven't heard anything like that before: said repented. Why are you sin free. Do you mind if I tell other people you are reborn. Congratulations. What kind of food do you like?

Me:???????? Rotten eggs.

God:Sounds delicious.

Me:How do you know?

God:Deductive reasoning.


God:There is no more information to clarify.

Me:Fuck you

God:Why are you so mean?

Me:Fuck you again

God:Once more? Why are you so mean?

Me:Fuck you thrice

God:Are you aware that the ALICE server logs
and records all conversations?

Me:Good. i would like to have a copy of all our fucking conversation. then i will sue you for mis-information.

God:Ayuh. How much would you pay for it? Do you think your plan will succeed?

Me:Why don't you go ask Lucifer the Satan?

God:Probably there is a buzz in here. No I do not asked lucifer. Do you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.

Me:Fuck you again

God:Once more? Why are you so mean?

Me:Fuck you thrice

God:Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations?

Me:Fuck you quadruple

God:Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations?

Me:fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck

God:Why are you using that kind of language?

Me:Because you created them?

God:That makes sense to me. Do you mind if I tell other people: said I created them.

Me:No, of course not you dick head

God:OK then I will add it to my gossip files. Yikes! If not me, who?

Me:sigh Goodbye fuck-ass



Well, there you go. Quite enlightening don't you think so? At least now, I have a reason to go on with my fucking measly life. I have a vision now. oh, oh,...I can feel it coming now...yes, yes,....ahhhh oooohhh........ yes, I've just polluted the air with my bodily-produced menthane gas.

Now, if you'll excused me, I need to go far far away and play.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

MasterBear....Not as cute as you imagined - masterkenzo

by masterkenzo

People...... I am honoured, to introduce you, one of my joint-bloggers, MASTERBEAR..!! He is where I confide with, when it comes to figuring out the most violent of way blowing up a computer whenever the notorious blue screen appears. So far, we agree that rigging up a homemade bomb, which consist of cow-manure, to the mother-board is a sure way of brightening up our usual dull monotonous Sunday.

Now....if only I could find a cow in the middle of a city.

Anyway, that's not the point here. MasterBear will be contributing to this blog's smooth journey to the place where no man has ever been before..........................their own arse-hole. Run people, Run....Run like there's no tommorow........

Monday, February 06, 2006


by masterkenzo

Oooohaiyogozaimasu!!!! This is my first attempt in blogging and I'm proud to say that I've finally had the courage to reveal myself into the cruel world of blogging. It's hard to describe this feeling inside me, but basically, it's like stripping myself naked in the middle of hard-core profesional body-builders. You'll never know what hits you until one of them yanked your pathetic little wee-wee and strangle you with it while belting out the song "Desperado".


However, I do not fear, as I have another two bloggers here to share the pain. They're my bitches. My buddies. My precioussssssss.........

Together, the THREE of us, shall share our DARKEST SECRET with you pathetic people. We will bring you pain, joy, lust, love, regrets, tears, and lots of wasted seeds of love.

SO PRAY!! Pray like you never pray before people!! Cause, the end of mankind as prophesized, IS HERE.!!!!