
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Food or Sex ? That is the question....

by masterkenzo

One fine day, one of my friend who obviously had too much time on their hands, asked me this question : "If you were forced to choose, where life and death matters, which one would you choose to forgo; food or sex?"

Mafoolat.....how the heck are you suppose to choose , man? I mean, to me, there is only two things in the world that makes my life worth living. And that's food & sex..................ok, maybe there's also money,

there's also love,

there's my Playstation 2,

my DVD collections,

my friends....er...no, scrape that.... ok, so that's six things in the world that makes my life worth living.

See, if i forgo food..... yeah, the first few months will be fine, as i still can have my sex. I would have more time to explore and experiment all sorts of style that I can get from the Kamasutra Volume I & Volume II, cause, you know, i don't need breakfast, lunch & dinner anymore. I've more time for Sexual Gratification........ but, FUCK,MAN...... i'm gonna fucking miss my favourite lamp chop.... roast duck...... fried fish ball...... chicken wine....... chocolate..... ice kacang..... cendol..... and the list goes on and on..!!

I mean.... what if , in the middle of my love-making session, and my craving for food has taken hold of my pea-sized brain, and my other better-half started to look like a Peking roast duck???....or... or... a roast pig ??? DAMNATION, man!!! i wouldn't want to think that i'm doing a dead animal.... much less a COOKED dead animal.... u know what i'm getting at??

ok, ok, enough with that....the point is , IF i am forced to choose...i mean, like , with a fucking 0.38 caliber Magnum pointed at my thick skull, and asked to forgo either food or sex............... you know what.....i would take that fucking gun and fucking KILL myself.

Yup...... i'll end my pitiful life......... cause there is no point going on. Sad, isn't it?


Blogger wahdegreat said...

sex, definitly. die of hunger rather than die unsatisfied.

2:22 PM  

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