
Thursday, February 16, 2006


by wahdegreat

Can you believe it?!!!

I can't lor.. I really cannot believe what is happening...

I only heard about it a few days ago. This is really unbelievable. So many things in the world but it has to come to this.

I was talking to some friends that day... (guess which is me)

Friend A: .... eh, didja heard about the news?

Fried B: Ya, I did. It was really bizzarre. Difficult to understand what these people are thinking about. It's like totally unrealistic.

Fiend C: I think I read about something like this before... I think it's called scissors-bean-nier or something like that.

Fried B: Schizophrenia, u dumb ass.

Fiend C: Ya, like I said... SCISSORS-BEAN-NIER.

Friend A: ....

Fiend C: Anyway, what I m trying to say is that, these incidences are not uncommon in our society.

Friend A: But so...

Fried B: Ya, still it's difficult to comprehend.

Fiend C: Compren? No, I didn't say I wanto complain about it. Just that it's so...

Fried B: COMPREHEND LA, u language-freakozoid!

Fiend C: Ya, like i said... COMPREN la.

Friend A: ....

Fiend C: Well, that's that. Still, really can't accept the fact that it is like that.

Friend A: .... true true.

Fried B: But to do something like that is beyond all norms. Especially if we are talking about Malaysians. Why we can't we just be as it is and accept the reality of it?

Friend A: .... really don't know why....

: .... may the Force be with you. and fuck u.

And that's how I got to know about it. UNBELIEVABLE, right?


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